***If you are experiencing a life-threatening medical or psychiatric emergency, please call 911 immediately or go to the nearest ER.***
We are 100% TeleHealth with no physical office location, below is only our mailing address.
Healthy Brain Center - Adult & Geriatric Psychiatry
20409 Yorba Linda Blvd, Suite K2 #265
Yorba Linda, California 92886
Phone/Text: 562-947-8832 (You can now also text this number - Text is preferred over call or voicemail for quickest resposne)
Fax: 562-947-8839
Office Hours - All appointments currently by TelePsych Video Only:
Tuesdays 12-6pm
Thursdays 12-6pm
Fridays 2-6pm
Billing Questions: Please message us in your Spruce App and we will forward the message to the Biller
Refills: Please ask your pharmacist to "E-script my doctor" and we will approve it electonically as we have moved away from Refill Requests by fax or phone message in order to expedite your refills.